The Farsight Institute of Scientific Remote Viewing

Scientific Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a trainable mental procedure that enables a person to extract accurate and detailed descriptive information from distant locations. Remote viewing also works across time, in the sense that a remote viewer can extract information from the past, the present, or the future. Scientific remote viewing (SRV) refers to a set of protocols (known as the Farsight Protocols) that are a modernized and continually evolving version of the original techniques used by the U.S. military for espionage purposes. Current research suggests that the use of these protocols allows virtually any normal individual to remote view with tremendous precision. Scientific studies using multiple remote viewers employing these protocols can yield results that consistently obtain high levels of accuracy.

Scientific remote viewing has evolved tremendously from the early days when the military's remote viewing was first developed. This is true in terms of language, application, elements of structure, and teaching protocols. Thus, the differences between scientific remote viewing and the early military protocols for remote viewing are constantly increasing as refinements and new procedures are tested and incorporated into the Farsight Protocols of scientific remote viewing.

Basic SRV has a minimum of five distinct phases, whereas specialized application procedures utilize additional phases. Each progressive phase brings the remote viewer into closer contact with a target. A target is the location, person, or event about which information is desired. In each phase, different types of information are extracted about the target, and the overall result is typically a complete set of descriptive information, including sketches.

In our view, the ability to train virtually anyone to remote view with high accuracy constitutes positive proof of the existence of a nonphysical aspect for all humans (i.e., a soul), since in the absence of such an aspect, remote viewing would not be possible. Indeed, this discovery is perhaps the most important fact to emerge from the development of the modern remote viewing training program.

FARSIGHTTM, SCIENTIFIC REMOTE VIEWINGTM, SRVTM and the FARSIGHT PROTOCOLSTM are trademarks of The Farsight Institute, Copyright 1995 by Farsight, Inc.

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